Monday, 24 September 2012

Tri Robben Island: An encouraging start

On Saturday 22 September, I had my first chance to check progress in my triathlon fitness levels.
The Tri-RobbenIsland was a small-scale, fun event. About 70 people took part in this first-ever triathlon on the World Heritage Site that Robben Island is. Apart from a very poorly marked and signed MTB route, that got the majority of cyclists confused and lost, everything went well and we all left the Island with a big smile on our face.

I forgot to check the time at the start of the swim, so I don't know how long I took to complete the 800m. I took it fairly easy, so my guess is around 18 minutes or so. Due to the mistakes we made on the MTB route, I only cycled for about 40 minutes, which means I probably did about 18km or even less. What I was most happy about, was the run. I did the 9km (not 8km as advertised) in just under 46 minutes, without any knee pain.

Two days or rest and a Thai massage later, I feel I'm ready to start training again for the next event: The Cape Town Gun Run on 14 October. I'll do the 10km, and hope to finish in 50 minutes if the course is nice and flat.

Scenic views and great weather during the First-ever Tri-RobbenIsland triathlon.